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4 Tier Layer Cage

4 tier layer cage

4 tier layer cage Technical essentials for raising small chickens:

Clean and disinfect the inside and outside of the brooding house a few days before entering the chicks. Block the mouse hole to prevent rodent damage. Choosing chicks should choose healthy chicks with well-proportioned development, clean, shiny, dry feathers, lively and active, crisp and loud calls, and bright eyes.

To master the temperature, the following principles should be followed: high at the beginning and low at the later stage; low during the day and high at night; low in sunny days and high in cloudy days. It is advisable to start the food around 24 o’clock after the shell is out. Drink water before starting food and ensure uninterrupted water supply during brooding period. At the beginning, feed should be less and frequent, and generally not at night, let them rest. In order to promote the growth and development of chickens and make them suitable for sexual maturity, the method of diminishing light is adopted for the chicks. While ensuring the humidity, pay attention to ventilation and avoid direct wind and cold wind to the chicks.

Formulate scientific immunization procedures to prevent epidemics regularly. In addition to immunization, pullorum and coccidiosis should be prevented. Adding a variety of vitamins and trace elements to the feed and vitamin C in the drinking water can relieve stress.

Raise small pheasants, master the technical essentials, and increase the survival rate of pheasants.

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