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Main Points Of Chicken Fattening Technology

Main points of chicken fattening technology

How to increase fattening of chickens? This is a question that many chicken farmers often discuss together. The following editor will introduce three key points of chicken fattening technology.

One. Feed cooked corn. Each chicken is fed 200 grams of cooked corn a day. It is fed 3 times manually, and the vegetables are fed appropriately.

2. Feeding multi-enzyme tablets From the third day after the chicks start to eat, add multi-enzyme tablets (grinded into fine powder) to the feed at a rate of 0.04% for 15 days. This method can increase the daily weight gain of chicks by 8%-10%.

3. Feeding chicken powder The chicken powder can be prepared in the proportion of 50% cinnamon powder, 20% dried ginger powder, 9% licorice powder, 8% ferrous sulfate, 7% fennel powder, and 6% cooked soybean powder. Stir 0.5-1 grams per chicken into the feed and feed it every two days.

For more knowledge of chicken breeding technology, please pay more attention to the chicken technology channel of global brand animal husbandry network.

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