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California Poultry Cages

california poultry cages

california poultry cages,To prescribe the right medicine, we must first understand its causes.

First: The egg production rate of breeders will change with age. This is beyond our control, so we can only continue to find young chickens to increase the conversion hatchability!

Second: The daily nutrition of the hen, the egg production of the hen and the nutritional intake of the hen are closely related, and they are all in direct proportion, so we must pay attention to the nutritional problems of the hen!

Third: Breeder management The poor temperature, ventilation and bedding conditions in the chicken house result in poor hygiene in the house and contamination of the breeding eggs, which affects the hatchability.

Fourth: In the daily management and daily life of health, we must pay attention to and avoid hens from getting sick and being infected. This will have a great impact on the hens!

Fifth: Genetic factors Different breeds or different strains have different hatching rates; at the same time, there is also a problem of breeding. Inbreeding will be low, and outbreeding will be much higher than inbreeding!

This is the reason why the hatching rate of hens is lower. And we can also use vitamins such as multivitamins, Nanovir, and other vitamins to help hens improve their hatchability!

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