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Brooder Cage

brooder cage

brooder cage,In addition to the needs of energy and protein for the growth, development and reproduction of animals, the nutritional needs of animals also require humans to grow faster. In this way, humans must artificially change the nutritional needs of animals to achieve certain goals. .

1 Increase the content of vitamin B1 in the diet

Ducks often eat fresh fish, shrimps and molluscs such as small snails. These animals contain a substance called thiamine enzyme, which can destroy vitamin B1, so ducks are prone to vitamin B1 deficiency. The disease mostly occurs in ducklings, and it often occurs suddenly within 2 weeks of age. Therefore, when ducks can eat aquatic animals, increase the content of vitamin B1 in the diet, especially in the feed for ducklings.

2 Add cod liver oil or vitamin A, D3, E

Laying ducks often suffer from vitamin D deficiency, which is caused by insufficient vitamin D supply in the diet or insufficient sunlight exposure of poultry. Diseased waterfowl exhibited poor growth and development, disheveled and dull feathers, decreased egg production, thin-shelled, soft-shelled eggs, and easily broken eggshells. Therefore, it is often necessary to add cod liver oil or vitamin A, D3, E, etc. to the duck feed.

3 Use stone powder and shell powder as calcium source

Ducks usually lay eggs in the early morning. Therefore, the ducks must maintain a high blood calcium concentration in the early morning, otherwise they will produce sand-shelled eggs, deformed eggs, and even lower egg production. When formulating feed for laying ducks, both a fast-absorbing calcium source and a slow-absorbing calcium source are required. Usually, stone powder and shell powder are used as calcium sources at the same time.

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