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Rabbit Transport Cage

rabbit transport cage

rabbit transport cage , Breeding pheasants in summer must pay attention to ventilation and cooling, clean drinking water, epidemic prevention, light and feeding.

1. Ventilation and cooling.
Try to create a good environment for pheasants in the hot summer. If conditions permit, relocate the chicken coop to a place with dense trees. If you cannot relocate, be sure to tower an awning to prevent direct sunlight on the pheasants. In summer, outdoor breeding or a combination of indoor and outdoor methods are generally used. There are sports fields and places to shelter from wind and rain. The air must be kept fresh regardless of day and night.

2. Clean drinking water.
In summer, the temperature is high and the water is easily polluted. The water needs to be changed twice a day. When changing the water, brush the sink with 0.1% potassium permanganate solution. There must be sufficient and clean drinking water. The water in the sink must not be cut off at any time. If the temperature exceeds 35°C, 3% sugar can be added to the drinking water to help cool down and prevent heatstroke.

3. Do a good job in epidemic prevention.
Keeping chicken coops clean and hygienic is a fundamental measure to reduce disease. In addition to cleaning the pens on time, use Baidusha or Sanjieling (1:1000) spray disinfection twice a week. When spraying, take out the food trough and water trough before proceeding. 0.04% oxytetracycline can be added to the feed and fed twice a week. Add 10,000 units of penicillin to the drinking water and feed it once a week to prevent diseases.

Four, light and feeding.
The summer weather is hot, and the peak period of pheasant feeding is generally in the morning and evening. Therefore, turn on the lights 2 hours before dawn and supply water for food, and turn on the lights for 2-3 hours at night. During the light-on time, drinking water and feed must be sufficient, and the light is not easy to be too strong. A 3-4 watt bulb per square meter is enough. Generally feed 3-4 times a day. The interval between each feeding should be lengthened, the nutrient composition of the feed should be comprehensive, the metabolizable energy is 2700-2750 kcal, the crude protein is more than 23%, the essential amino acid is complete, and attention should be paid to the addition of trace elements and the tower composition of green feed

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